May 21, 2013

Nutrimental Sustainable

The commitment to sustainability is the premise for Nutrimental. The company was aiming to provide the world of healthy and practical food, as a foundation and respect for human beings. And, for the company, respecting the human being is to respect nature.

For over 20 years the company has been the leading supplier of food for mother and child social programs from the federal government. In 1992, Nutrimental launched the first cereal bar in the country, thanks to the partnership between the company and the Institute for Amazonian Studies (IEA). The purpose was to stimulate the development of sustainable communities producing Brazil nuts. Part of the profits from the cereal  bars was passed on to them.

Today, Nutrimental maintains a Selective Collection Program, Solid Waste System for Wastewater Treatment and puts into practice the program of carbon offsetting. In addition, the company operates in employee awareness about rational consumption of water and energy. This is all due to a certainty that accompanies Nutrimental since its founding in 1968. The certainty that for the story to continue, it is essential to be sustainable.

April 30, 2013

April 02, 2013

Nutrimental - About the company

Ever since its foundation, back in 1968, Nutrimental maintains its commitment to invest on the Research and Development of technologies to the food segment. This means, to master the most advanced processes of food industrializations, as well as to make available, to a higher number of people, products under the highest national and international quality levels. A responsible growth philosophy, based on the purpose of offering to the market health food, by a continuous appreciation of human beings. Thanks to this behaviour, Nutrimental has conquered the confidence of its employees, clients and suppliers, been a reference to others Brazilian Industries, to the Government, to Food Services Segment and to Consumers, all over the world.

              • 2 Plants in Brazil
              • 1.000 Employees
              • ISO 9001 and GMP established
              • 5 Business Units

March 19, 2013

Conference of Pediatricians in Haiti

The association of pediatricians in Haiti conducted 27th February, 2013 a workshop in collaboration with the University of Denver Karibe Convention Center. It took the opportunity to invite their sponsors to present their products.
More than 65 participants (pediatricians, nurses and medical residents of Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien) participated in the workshop.
Sodipal our partner in Haiti presented Nutribom Nutrilon products. It was distributed to all participants:  doctors prescriptions, Nutrilon spoons and Nutribom bibs.

March 12, 2013

Nutribom New Packaging

The Nutribom infant cereal has new packaging. The products now have a more modern visual identity.

This products are sold specially in Africa and Central America, so all the details of the package are in 4 languages ​​(Portuguese, English, Spanish and French).

The new packaging brings images and brighter color, which makes up the ideal background for the most important information are given prominence. 

The splashes of vitamins and indication of age has new fun icons. Another change is on the back, the mothers can find tips for baby care.
Check bellow the new packaging:

February 26, 2013

Kiddies Carnival St. Vincent

In the Kiddies Carnival 2012 in Saint Vincent we had the opportunity to sample around 400 units of Nutrinho to kids from all of the bands. Each child was given a pack of Nutrinho as they came of the stage.

January 29, 2013

Merchandisers in Guinea

The Nutrimental in partnership with the Guinea distribuitor's, now has a dedicated team of merchandising. The merchandising team has as main objective to improve the visibility of products at point of sale, apply the promotional material, controlling prices and promotions, everything to boost the sales and attract more consumers. The team will also be responsible for the implementation of a loyalty program in order to increase our market share in the country.

Merchandisers Team