September 17, 2012

Back to School in Uruguay

A back-to-school action happened in Uruguay to promote the Nutry cereal bars. The students gained a Nutry cereal bar at the end of the classes. The goal, in addition to promote the brand, is promoting a healthier snack option in schools. 

Congress of Pediatrics in Haiti

During the month of July Nutrimental was present at the Congress of Pediatrics in Haiti. Together with our local distributor, we provide brands Nutrilon and Nutribom for pediatricians in Haiti. Samples and brochures of our products were distributed to various professionals present.

September 12, 2012

Nutrimental Products in Cuba

Nutrimental is present in Cuba since March. The brands and products available in Cuban Market are: Nutribom and Nutrilac infant cereal, and Nutry cereals bars. The first one and the only cereal bar present in the Cuban market.

Nutribom in Baby Fair in Panama

The Nutrimental was present at the "Feira del Bebé" held in January 2012 in Panama City in Panama. The Baby Fair is a show that brings all the innovations in products and services for babies, also has workshops for parents and entertainment for the whole family.

The contribution was made through our partner in the country, Medimex to set up a booth for brand exposure Nutribom. At the time moms and their babies could tasted and bought Nutribom products, and also they had the opportunity to take a picture with our mascot Nutribela.