May 21, 2013

Nutrimental Sustainable

The commitment to sustainability is the premise for Nutrimental. The company was aiming to provide the world of healthy and practical food, as a foundation and respect for human beings. And, for the company, respecting the human being is to respect nature.

For over 20 years the company has been the leading supplier of food for mother and child social programs from the federal government. In 1992, Nutrimental launched the first cereal bar in the country, thanks to the partnership between the company and the Institute for Amazonian Studies (IEA). The purpose was to stimulate the development of sustainable communities producing Brazil nuts. Part of the profits from the cereal  bars was passed on to them.

Today, Nutrimental maintains a Selective Collection Program, Solid Waste System for Wastewater Treatment and puts into practice the program of carbon offsetting. In addition, the company operates in employee awareness about rational consumption of water and energy. This is all due to a certainty that accompanies Nutrimental since its founding in 1968. The certainty that for the story to continue, it is essential to be sustainable.